charlies challenge

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Who am I?........
Hello, my name is Charlie Adams and I am 5 years old. I was born 10 weeks premature and had to spend 5 weeks in the baby special care unit before I could go home. I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy which mainly affects my legs but also my hands. This means that I can’t walk without my kaye-walker.

What does this mean?........
Unfortunately I am unable to walk independently and I have difficulty with all other fine motor skills which include, writing, eating and getting myself dressed etc. I also find it very difficult sitting and I need a special chair at home and at school which helps supports me in all of the right places.

I need help on a daily basis with nearly everything I do. At my school I have a team of special teachers who give me one-to-one assistance so that I can join in with the rest of the class. I have to have daily physiotherapy to stop my muscles getting stiffer; this is done at school and also at home with my mummy & daddy. I sometimes find this hard and frustrating and I wish I didn’t have to do it and could go and play like everyone else.

What is next?........

I have been accepted by St Louis Children’s Hospital, Missouri in the USA for an operation called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) which could change my life forever and hopefully enable me to walk without any assistance.

We are on the waiting list for July 2011. We are trying to raise between £50,000 - £60,000 for the SDR operation and would greatly appreciate any help you are able to give.

Dr Park, the surgeon in American has said that he expects the following after the operation::

- My sitting and standing postures will improve
- Walking balance will improve
- Ability to perform daily living skills will improve
- My walking will improve significantly and they expect that I will be
- able to walk independently
- My level of comfort will improve

Helping Us?........
If you would like to help me and be part of my amazing journey, you can do so in the following ways:

Please contact us via email:

Or speak to my mummy (Louise) on:
0780 8781785

Facebook link:

Bank Account Details:
Barclays Bank, Charlie’s Challenge
Sort Code:

Please note that we are non-profit organization and not a registered charity.

Thank you very much for your time.

Charlie x

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